Categories: Spell Rings

spells that work haunted ring TACITA Enchantress Queen of Gray Magick energy spirit ring size 8 U.S

Tacita Enchantress Queen of Gray Magick haunted ring witches energy spirit ring size 8 U.S

Also see some of our other deity inhabited offerings on our new website;

haunted ring TACITA witch Enchantress Queen of Gray Magick powerful spirit offering one of a kind
deity offerings
If this offering is calling to you, get it today as finding this was not a mistake and was probably meant to be. Only $560.00 plus $6.50 for WORLDWIDE shipping. Pay using your Credit or debit visa master card, paypal, western union or post office money order. Buy the offering now using paypal and other means;

please contact our coven

You are considering this pendant for its physical being as jewelry. *As per eBay policy I must state that any item listed as mystical, metaphysical, paranormal or extraordinary is not allowed on Ebay and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The item is listed as jewelry and any information contained in this auction is fro MY OWN personal experiences with the item(s). So I am not and will not be held responsible for the level of activity or lack their of activity of these items. This item is being sold as jewelry and not as haunted or by any means metaphysical.

Here is
your opportunity to obtain a truly delightful piece that you can use and
cherish for all your life and pass along to others. Please feel free to
contact us if you have any questions about this offering or need anything, this as well as all our offerings are owned and keep by us; the witch coven known as witchtalismans sisters of the north. While using an older digital camera, we have taken hundreds of pictures of this offering and have shared a small number of them here.

Authentic offering owned and kept by our coven, a coven the is comprised of 13 coven members.

TACITA Enchantress Queen of Gray Magick this deity inhabited vessel spirit ring size 8 U.S (Europe 17.15) shipping

haunted ring TACITA Enchantress Queen of Gray Magick powerful spirit offering one of a kind
deity vessel

This ring has the power and enchantment of an ancient witch deity
known as TACITA Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick The spirit of this entity is alive within
this ancient ring.

Once owned and kept by Isabella and the great Arab sorcerer Aban,
some of their powers and the deity are bonded to this ring, the keeper
commands the power of these beings through this ring.

Intense magick and power surrounds this wonderful ring, as it is
truly a one of a kind & handmade probably over 1200 years ago, it
bears NO STAMPINGS or NO markings like 925 or NO writing but does have
its unique design and stone on the base. When glanced upon by others it
is obvious this ring possess a great amount of energy.


Authentic one of a kind deity offering. This offering is from witchtalismans Sisters of the north witch coven


Name of Deity; TACITA (Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick )


Order/ Race or Class of Deity; Ancient European Witch spirit deity

Origin /lands of inhabitant; Pescara Italy


Nature; Mild mannered deity who have NOT posed any threats to mortal mankind


Powers/ abilities; Tacita is a powerful wielder of gray magick,(as she have been known to kill and to heal those who crossed her) she uses her powers to perform rituals, spells, incantations, invocations and many other task. The extent of her powers are endless…..although she was born as a “natural inhabited of this earth” (a mortal) this spell caster is feared by not only just other spell casters but also deities, spirits and entities in this and other realms. Tacita is a being that has command and total obedience of Djinns and some other unnatural deities. This enchantress is capable of bringing abundance to those that she favor and immense destruction to those that she do not. It is not uncommon for her to manipulate magick in; shapeshifting, scrying, voodoo, earth magick, mind control, elemental, levitation, teleportation,
spell casting and many other techniques of magick.


Manifestation; This beautiful witch deity has long flowing hair sun tanned skin and lovely physical appearance.


Offerings accepted; Rose petals are a delight to this wonderful deity, as she is very much attracted to the scent of this lovely flower.


Planets influence; The Planet Venus is highly loved by this witch deity.

History; With no other choice, as she was literally back into a corner wedged in by two male highly skilled practitioners of dark magick, she raised her arms and signaled with a sudden thrust… response to her movements a wave of energy struck the men like a falling tree hitting the earth. She showed them mercy, by not ending their mortal lives or ripping their souls but rather as a penalty she absorbed and took ownership of their powers, again a small price to pay. Especially when considering who they chose to trifle with, a powerful and highly skilled user of Gray magick. As they knew that she was a powerful witch but, perhaps they did not realize exactly just HOW powerful this witch was??? Born in Pescara Italy, it was obvious that Tacita was a natural with the manipulation of magick as her parents could mentally “hear” her voice and communicate with their daughter at the age of 6 months. At first they were astonished to behold such a feat but this was just the beginning of many others, in the very near future. At the age of 2 she formed a working vocabulary that allowed her to engage in understanding and conversing with ten year old children. It was obvious that she was “getting out of her own way” to begin early in learning and mastering the usage of magick . Because of her showing immense promise and a need by the people in here village, at the age of thirteen Tacita became a apprentice to an 13 member all women witch coven and was taught complex rituals, spells and ceremonies. She immediately began to excel as what took the average adult spell caster to learn in 3 years she was able to perform it in one year. The coven placed immense importance on teaching Tacita about using magick for benevolent reasons and stressed that magick is not something that should be used only to improve ones own life, but also the lives of others too. While they did teach her the ways of white magick, they also taught her Black magick too as a means of defense and to balance her abilities. Tacita spent 15 years traveling to far off lands in this realm and other reams learning and becoming a powerful and highly respected witch. After her studies Tacita spent 35 years in what is now known as China where she extended her own knowledge of magick and trained with other witches in the ways of evocation and astral projection. She again traveled the world and endowed witch coven’s with knowledge, tools and spells as well as helping her own clients, family and  friends with magick offerings. Once in Germany while teaching an all woman witch coven in the various forms of magick practiced throughout the world, Tacita was baited by two practitioners of black magick whom she followed to the outside and immediately found that it was a trap. They demanded that she banish her powers into a vessel which they owned but the well accomplished Tacita was NOT going to willingly relinquish her powers. The two men used a binding spell that commands the powers of dark order deities to hold and bind a user of magick ….a spell that is usually too powerful for the above average witch to break! But Tacita is an extremely above average enchanter and with her energy she was able to banish the trappings of the spell within less than two minutes. It was at that point the two dark practitioners found out why Tacita was known as; The Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick!!!!

Being that Tacita was literally backed into a corner knowing that even with her powers if these enchanters followed through with a spell which they had begun in the event the binding spell would not hold her, they could end her mortal life within seconds….So Tacita raised her arms in the air and like an composer in full motion, she bond their magick and remove every essence and knowledge of magick from their minds’ souls and hearts. She had just extracted and contained decades of knowledge with just mere seconds, but what she did NOT do is to end their mortal lives.

This ring contains the power and essence of the powerful witch Tacita The enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick. Her Knowledge powers of the ages and those which she have learned from, powers she have taken are all within this high energy vessel.


Our Coven witchtalismans interaction; This deity was used by our
coven to help some our clients bring wishes of wealth, through
visualization. This offering have been part of our coven for over 35


Advice from our coven; This deity possess a great deal of power that
can be life-threatening and dangerous to both the keeper and those who
are influenced through this offering.


If you have knowledge of deities, you know that although demons,
deities, djinn, Faery and many other creatures have intense powers, they
are limited to something that controls them like no other…….THEIR
NAMES!!! If a mortal person possess the TRUE name of a deity, that
mortal shall command power over that deity. Here we have listed the true
name of the deity however we have cast a spell ritual that prevents
nearly all spell caster (even some of the most trained and skilled) from
taking control of the deity through its name. The deity is bond by
his/her name and will use its powers to follow the commands of the


You are considering; A very unique and what our coven describes as a
highly intense energy ring. This ring is made of unknown properties from
unknown lands and is of an unknown age. An absolutely one of a kind
offering to behold! This ring is something to SEE; to truly understand
and feel its energy. This ring has a unique design and style, and is one
of a kind. The weight of this ring is about 10 grams.


With all items of magick we suggest caution, as this offering possess
great energy and power even offerings that have good or benevolent
nature could be dangerous to persons. Deities and their powers can be
uncertain as the offering still has powers of spirits which could cause
unintentional negativity, this mainly FROM the user’s thoughts or


haunted ring Tacita The Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick powerful spirit offering one of a kind
deity vessel


This ring offering is NOT limited to gender, as it can be used by any
who has an interest / desire for it. Anyone that feels that she/he is
being pulled to this offering is ask to strongly consider and
contemplate if this offering is TRULY for him/her. The magic of this
offering is intense and simple! As the keeper shall bond with it daily
as the more this offering is worn or carried the more of the keepers
energy shall bond with the ring’s energy, even mere ownership (without
carrying the offering daily) shall build a connection between the keeper
and the deity within the offering. Meditation before performing spells
is advised and the offering should be worn/carried during the meditation
and spell casting. Novice practitioners of magic is advised to start
off with learning the powers of meditation, visualization(seeing the
outcome happening in the mind’s eye) and concentration. This powerful
offering will help the keeper master the powers of magic. Please read
and totally understand what you are considering. As having this ring is a
great amount of responsibility for anyone, both experienced and
inexperienced users of magick to partake, AS THIS AND ALL OUR OFFERS CAN
BE DANGERS AND ARE NOT TOYS!!! We are instructed by Isabella our
deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring. As
mentioned earlier, this ring has a deity endowed upon it and is capable
of many great manifestations. With this offering having ancient deity
powers that are sometimes difficult for anyone in our period of time to
fully understand…..we do not suggest wearing, carrying or having this
near your person when you are extremely angered or upset, as doing so is
likely to release your negative energies(amplifying them) into forms
that may be harmful to oneself and others around.


Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much.
These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do
not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who
choose to ignore their existence, but just as the air is unseen and
unnoticed… does NOT mean it is not there.


haunted ring Tacita The Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick powerful spirit offering one of a kind
deity vessel


This ancient ring shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use
it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for
good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.
You are certain (as many others including myself have) will immediately
begin feeling the powers of this ancient deity, we ask that you focus
the powers of this offering to bring about positive changes in one’s
life and the lives of others.
This great and powerful offering must be used with caution and
consideration for oneself and others. This ring is highly active, as
using their powers is something that is of course natural to them.


Now being offered from Sisters of The North is a ring size 8 U.S
(17.15 Europe) and weighs about 10 grams, this ring has green stone. This wonderful amulet ring talisman unlike
anything you have seen and probably WILL ever witness. The base of the
ring is where most of the energy emits from this offering. This ring is
of a very unique design, and is handmade from very solid unknown


This is a rare and very powerful ring and we advise that once this
ring is in the hands of its intended owner/user that no one else is
allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During
this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and
that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”.
This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact
our coven if you have any questions as we know this offering is for something that is highly desired


We are instructed by Isabella our deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring.


Magick can bring great changes to a person’s life; endow a person
with protection from evil, enchant a person with increased good health,
bless the person wisdom, unlock mysteries in one’s mind and even bring
about increased luck and riches. Magick is limitless in what it can do
in your life IF you embrace it and use it for good.


After the bond between you and the spirits have come to pass, call
upon the name within the offer and that which you want and he/she shall
manifest results for you.
An authentic deity ring of intense energy and power. Used by Isabella of
the Sisters of the North and granted to her by a dear friend Aban a
powerful Arab sorcerer. Although most of the time deities do not show
their true physical form( in fear that a mortal may try to enslave them
as some spells can do so)but rather the form of elements,
animals,insects and other beings. Isabella was granted the true vision
of spirits and other beings as well. This is because she was well loved
and trusted by all creatures and entities great and small.


This very strange ring was given to Isabella (the High Priestess of
our coven) and entrusted to her. Isabella used the powers of this mighty
being to bring about many wonderful changes in the lives of others as
she granted; power, knowledge, health, great wealth, money and riches to
some of her family members, clients and many others who needed her
help. This ring was also used by both, Aban and Isabella to charge
spells, endow magick and awaken magick within beings.


haunted ring Tacita The Enchantress Queen Of Gray Magick powerful spirit offering one of a kind
deity vessel


Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much.
These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do
not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who
choose not to be aware of their existence.


Here being offered today is a ring; A rare and highly active ring, an
amulet talisman offering of many years passed down through many years


This listing is for the ring shown, as it is without a doubt an
original. We believe the ring to be of great energy is intense even as I
describe it I feel its energy waiting to be evoked by the right person.


This item shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for
dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good
for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.


This is a very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in
the hands of its original owner, that no one else is allowed to keep it
or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring
is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer
shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be
great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact our coven if you
have any questions or need anything, as we shall try our best to help

Yes!!! as asked by many others our items are offered to THE WORLD ,
as we believe that giving everyone an opportunity to obtain these great
items of power is just and fair, and shall better connect our lands just
as the great Isabella would have wanted us to do.
Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here’s a
Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience.
You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE
WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings


Unsure if this offering is for you? Here’s what to do…

If you have a connection with this offering do the following ritual between the hours 11:30 p.m and 3:45 a.m (1) recite the deity’s name three times while viewing one’s own reflection in a mirror. (2) Before sleeping recite the deity name 3 times again and this time visualize the vessel pendant/ring. You will know if this offering is right for you, as the deity will speak to you in your dream and or in the physical world. You will hear a tone or pitch in your ears, a whispered voice or even while sleeping you will feel yourself falling. These are indications the deity is indeed watching and or considering you to become its keeper.


This offering is NOT limited to gender, as it can be owned by any who has an interest / desire for it. 


If you have an attraction to this offering or believe it should be yours, then place bid(s) as if you have this strong desire to obtain it then perhaps you should take ownership of it. Please contact us if you have any questions or need anything. Our coven is comprised of experienced enchanters who aim to use magick to help others by using white and positive magick and energy. 

We advise that once this offering is in the hands of its
intended owner/user that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it
for at least 7 days and 7 nights. This offering would be great for anyone,
and even given as a gift. Contact our coven if you have any questions or
need anything we shall try our best to assist you.

Blessings this ring or pendant offering comes as a ritual kit which includes a pouch, sand / salt, instructions for spell casting and use, and a gift(coin or pendant) please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need anything. Thank you and blessed be, Mirsada witchtalismans.

Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. This offering should be kept and cared for, one must understand that objects which are kept by a person becomes part of that person.

Our coven have been taught and practice as part of our faith that colors have various attributes. We also believe that stones and minerals of the earth possess great abilities which can change one’s life, through Health, Love, Wealth, Knowledge and many areas as well.

Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here’s a Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience. You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings. Blessed be to you 
To make Home Protection Oil

 Anointed on charms designed to protect the home from evil. Sprinkled about the home to keep evil influences away.

Use equal parts of the following; Five finger grass, sandlewood, gardenia petals and purslane herb. Add two tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. One pinch of blessed salt is put in each bottle of oil made
The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.


SHIPPING COST: Shipping to all of the UNITED STATES AND EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD IS ONLY SEE shipping calculator shipping worldwide!! ADDED NOTE; their are some places in the world that prohibit the use of magic, please advise us of your situation so we can ship the item to you safely and without disruption.

Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS: I will ship your item in few days of confirmed payment

Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much. These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who choose not to be aware of their existence.

Here being offered today is a ring; A rare and highly active ring, an amulet talisman offering of many years passed down through many years

This listing is for the ring shown, as it is without a doubt an original. We believe the ring to be of great energy is intense even as I describe it I feel its energy waiting to be evoked by the right person.

This item shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.

This is a very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in the hands of its original owner, that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact our coven if you have any questions or need anything, as we shall try our best to help you.

Yes!!! as asked by many others our items are offered to THE WORLD , as we believe that giving everyone an opportunity to obtain these great items of power is just and fair, and shall better connect our lands just as the great Isabella would have wanted us to do.
Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here’s a Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience. You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings. Blessed be to you
To make Home Protection Oil
Anointed on charms designed to protect the home from evil. Sprinkled about the home to keep evil influences away.

Use equal parts of the following; Five finger grass, sandlewood, gardenia petals and purslane herb. Add two tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. One pinch of blessed salt is put in each bottle of oil made

The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.

PAYMENT OPTIONS: Prefer PAYPAL, however we can accept many others too including checkout google, western union, visa & mastercard, money orders please contact us if you have any questions.
If this offering is calling to you, get it today as finding this was not a mistake and was probably meant to be. Only $560.00 plus $6.50 for WORLDWIDE shipping. Pay using your Credit or debit visa master card, paypal, western union or post office money order. This link will allow you to pay using paypal and other means;

SHIPPING COST: Shipping to all of the UNITED STATES AND EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD IS ONLY SEE shipping calculator shipping worldwide!! ADDED NOTE; their are some places in the world that prohibit the use of magic, please advise us of your situation so we can ship the item to you safely and without disruption.

Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS: I will ship your item in few days of confirmed payment

Looking for a specific spell casted item? Contact me anytime and I will try to get what you seek from the coven Sisters Of The North witchtalismans.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at  I will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible.


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