lottery scratch off tickets talisman penny brings winning

lucky good luck charm penny lottery scratcher for scratchoff scratch tickets

lucky good luck charm penny lottery SCRATCH scratcher for scratchoff scratch tickets blessed by Sisters of The North INCREASES YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING BY BONDING YOU AND THE PENNY’S VIBRATIONS. ONLY $20.50 FOR THIS TALISMAN WITH FREE SHIPPING

You are considering a witch coven blessed (entire 13 coven members) Lincoln penny on a nickel plated keychain. This penny have been spelled cast by our coven to improve the keeper’s odds of winning Lottery scratch off tickets and other rub card games of chance.

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Custom for YOU a powerful magick spell/ritual cast and performed by our coven on a Lincoln U.S mint penny year according to YOUR YEAR OF BIRTH.

The main reason why most people do not win more money or more often with games of chance such as scratch off lottery tickets is because, they have NO CONNECTION with the instrument they use to scratch off the tickets with. Vibrations means everything!!! The energy that comes from our bodies makes a connection with everyone and EVERYTHING around us. Every piece of clothing, merchandise, equipment and any other possession is imprinted with our energy this energy grows more and more of a connection with each day that pass by. When objects have been imprinted with our own energy or frequency…that object takes in our personality, habits, wants and needs. The metal; copper (even the small amount that exist in some pennies today) is a great conductor of physical and non-physical energy and power. Which makes the penny an idea medium to connect a person’s wants and desires through the physical realm.

Gain the life that you want and deserve by increasing your chances with scratch off lottery tickets and more. Get a family member or friend one too, he/she will have their very own lucky penny talisman.

Several of our clients have reported increased winnings in many games of chance. Players of these games used our spell cast penny to help them win cash prizes from; free scratch tickets to hundreds and even tens of thousands including a $150,000 winner. Don’t just play for FUN play to WIN!!!

Our entire coven spell cast each and every coin with the keepers name, date of birth (the year is most important) and direction of sleeping in bed. The process is as follows; We obtain a Lincoln penny (we will use the YEAR of YOUR birth or another as your request but we suggest that you use your OWN year of birth as it is the year of the penny’s birth too), the entire coven will evoke a good luck, fortune gambling spell that summons the energies of Shichifukujin the seven gods of Japanese luck. These deities are of immense power and abilities they bring incredible amounts of success in areas of money, wealth building and riches. Any object that have these deities enchanted upon them shall emit the deities energy and anyone who bonds with that object will be favored and blessed by these powerful beings. The spell is released when the coin is rubbed, as this coin talisman is meant for turning the odds in the keeper’s favor in games of chance such as scratch tickets but it will also help the keeper in all games of monetary chance. Rub the coin before rolling dice, rub the coin when selecting lottery tickets, rub the coin before pulling the slot machine arm. Rubbing this lucky coin a few times will increase your odds of success, money and riches shall follow you because the more time that you spend with the offering, the stronger the connection becomes between you and the coin and so the Seven Gods of luck Shichifukujin shall honor and help you.

With your paypal payment, please include the following information; Full name (your name or the person this is for) Date of birth (year is sufficient as this is the year of the penny that we will enchant for you) and direction of sleep in bed (north, east, south or west this will help us to direct the powers to you along that pole ).

This is a very powerful offering and we advise that once this offering is in the hands of its intended owner, that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the offering is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This offering would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact me if you require a special item or cannot find what you seek here.

Learn more about; Isabella and The Sisters Of The North

The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.




Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS:I will ship your item in 24 to 36 hours of confirmed payment

Insurance:If you would like insurance, please inform me of this at the end of the auction so that I may add it to you totals.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me, I will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

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