Categories: Talisman Amulet

Talisman Amulet

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Many times their is a great confusion between the meaning of Amulets and Talismans as most people believe these to be the very same however our coven; Sisters Of the North will assure you that they ARE NOT the same. Sisters of The North

Amulets and Talismans have an extensive history with mankind, as we have used their properties since the beginning of time and still do to this very day utilizes their mysterious powers. Those who have a understanding of Amulets and Talismans have used them to perform many task including evoking Abundance, Summoning Visions, protection and much more.

Both of these items are in their own separate group and have great power. But the difference of the two are as follows;

Amulets; Amulets are natural earthen substances. A four leaf clover is also an amulet. The more common and highly used forms are Stones, flowers, plants, woods, naturally formed metals, bones and many others. Here we have the Quartz Crystal which is very powerful and aides in healing, clearing, magnification of ambient energies and much more. But what happens when one combines two or more stones together? Is it still an Amulet? You would think so but no this item have now become an TALISMAN!!!

Talisman; An object or item that was made from various materials or one material. These powerful items are usually made from multiple stones, metals or various other materials.Could be anything from a lucky penny to a warlocks scepter. Usually charged with energy for task which are required by the owner. Such as for Luck, protection or even mystic manipulation or control. Rings

STONES are a form of amulet…they are here to help us all!!

Whether your intent is to use them as Amulet or as a Talisman…stones are very powerful and have been used by many purposes. From semi-precious to precious stones they are all necessary. Here since the creation of the earth, waiting and eager to serve mankind to heal, protect enchant and grant all our wishes. Use their powers wisely to help your fellow man and yourself to develop maintain and grant increase many of the fine rewards of life. Herbs & Zodiac Signs

AMULET; As noted earlier an amulet is usually a natural object. We have other amulets, like the ones that are for sale here and other websites too. The amulet pictured below is an amulet stone marked with an ancient Rune symbol. See more and learn more about this amulet if you click on the image.

We offer various amulets and talismans

Sisters of The North

Amulet and or talisman for Love; brings to you (without harm to the other) the one that you desire it does this by NOT forcing the person but rather “opens” their heart to you. We also may have a witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman to Bring Love Back; is an amulet that reconnects hearts of those that have been separated, if the two of you are meant to be this amulet will connect you. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Fidelity; Sometimes we all make mistakes this amulet helps keep the mate true to the keeper of this amulet. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for wealth; It is not by just chance that some people have great riches and wealth, some of these people have sought the magic that our amulets wield to increase their financial state of being. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Health; Many have used our amulets to recondition and cure some of their physical state of being. Blood pressure lowered and many other dysfunctions cured. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for success; Only YOU can determine what success is and this amulet can help you get that which you seek. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Business Knowledge; Is it true that anyone can run a successful business? It is and you will with this powerful amulet that awakens knowledge within you. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Mystical Powers; If you seek to learn the powers of magic, this amulet will help anyone that uses magick or spell casting. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well.  Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Knowledge; KNOWLEDGE It is something that is passed along from generation to generation. Even if you were not told things of the past…it is still within you dormant, and it can and will speak to you with this amulet. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Djinn Genies; They are creatures of great power and knowledge they can perform incredible feats yet they MUST obey the wishes of the master, this amulet allows you to command and control them. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Money Attraction; It is around us all at every given time of the day, yet many people run looking for it??? It is right before you and it can be summoned to CHASE YOU!! This amulet does just that. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Spirit Guide; When you were born you were given endowed with a spirit guide, this guide was the very one that watched over you and protected you from a “nasty spill” down the stairs that would have greatly injured an adult. Reconnect with your spirit guide with this powerful amulet. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Reversing Luck; “If it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all” this is what we are told be countless people, this amulet takes your BAD LUCK and flips it upside down to GOOD LUCK. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman for Revealing truth through dreams; Our dreams tells us a lot about many things that take place around us, yet many people do not know how to LISTEN. This powerful amulet reveals truth and understanding and helps you to remember the events easier. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman to increase one’s sexual performance; This amulet calls upon the “animal drive” that you have within making your sexual ability greater and last longer. Both you and your mate will enjoy this great amulet. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman to Protect from evil; This is something that surrounds us all and it is manifested several ways either intentional black magic cast upon you or by jealousy. This amulet diminishes the negative power and will NOT harm the enchanter….unless they have cast the spell upon you more than three times. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman to Protect from accidents; Unseen and unintended events that happen to us is by no one’s fought, this amulet decreases the chance of such event befallen you. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Fertility; The most wonderful gift in the universe is child birth, yet their are some who have found themselves unable to conceive, this amulet increases the chances of such and many women have experienced a healthy child birth, BLESSED BE. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Good dreams; Bad dreams are summoned by various events and people that surround us along with past events of previous lives. This amulet will diminish bad dreams and restore them with happy thoughts and dreams. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Lottery Winnings; This amulet increases the chances of winning the game of lottery by helping one to pick the correct numbers with the use of the dream realm and the mundane await state as well. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Healthy Child Birth; Doing everything right eating the right foods, not consuming alcoholic beverages is a start, but this amulet will take it from there helping to work with the mom to be, body a very powerful amulet to wear while carrying a child. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Evil Eye Protection; The evil eye is an ancient and well known device that aims to harm others, their are some people out there that have no other intent but to harm others, this amulet deflects and redirects that energy back to the sender three times fold. We do not condone the use of black magick or evil dark magic….we do however have a right to protect others and will deflect any such magic from harming others. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Business Attraction; If you have a new business, starting a new business or have been in business for many years, this amulet is great for you. It will bring to you (or wherever this amulet sits or whoever is in possession of it) great amounts of business and new leads. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Business success; This amulet makes your business dealings more of an success and gives to you what you refer to as a successful business. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Astral Projection; Everyone at one time have experienced what is known as an out of body experience, this is known as Astral travel or astral projection. This form of travel happens for most people when they are sleep yet those of us who are knowledgeable of more than the mundane have learned to project our astral bodies at will. This amulet will allow the keeper through the use of meditation to control his/her destination to either the mundane realm, etheric or astral. Very powerful amulet. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Aura Cleansing; Our aura tells a lot about us, each and every living being has an auric shell. It is visible to the human eye if trained properly. When a person walks into a room and their aura is of high and positive luminance….the entire room directs their attention to that person. Yet the same can happen if a person is of ill intent and darkness as that person gets attention that is not desired. This powerful amulet cleanses one’s aura, protects it from further damage and it does this through meditation. It does not mean that the person is an evil practitioner of magic or ill intent, sometimes this is absorbed by being around an negative person. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Animal Obey me; Many years ago man and animal talked to each other yet man lost his control due to many reasons. Today only those of the occult wield such power and control, mainly because we have NOT forgotten that which was charged to us since the earths creation. Animals have not forgotten this either and will obey the wishes of mankind when willed to. This amulet brings the knowledge that is within us all onto surface and restores the communication between man and animal. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet and or talisman of Will Power; One of the most powerful attributes to have is WILLPOWER with it great feats can be accomplished and obstacles can be diminished. This amulet will increase and develop your will power. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well. Natural & Spells

Amulet of Wishes Come true; This is a very powerful amulet and we warn that one should truly be careful of what they wish. One should meditate fully on what they want and visualize their desires manifested. One should not make vague wishes but one’s that are though and reasonable, as this amulet will aide you and great many wishes. BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!. We also may have a free witchcraft spell for this as well.  Natural & Spells

Sisters of The North

We have many other amulets which we made specifically for others contact us and we will see what we can do for you.

Chakra Energy

Our bodies have spinning orbitals of energy, this energy is known as Chakras. Their are seven Chakra points through which energy emits. Although difficult for someone that is new, we all can master the immense abilities of chakras if exercised properly as with any other skill that lay dormant within us all.  Each Chakra has a location, function, influence, color and other attributes which make them unique and very powerful for us.

These are the seven centers of energy in the human body.

The first chakra, located at the base of the spine at
the perineum is the *root chakra*, muladhara. It primarily
relates to the element of earth and to psychic smell.

  • RED governs the BASE chakra situated at the base of the spine.

The second chakra, known as the *sacral center*,
svadhisthana, is located above and behind the genitals. Its
dominant element is water, and it is related to psychic taste.

  • ORANGE governs the SACRAL chakra situated in the lower abdomen.

Third of the chakras is the *solar plexus*, manipura,
located at the navel and corresponding with the emotions and
with the element of fire; also with psychic sight

  • YELLOW governs the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra, situated below the ribs

The *heart chakra*, anahata, is the fourth chakra,
located over the heart and corresponding with the element of
air, and also with psychic touch.

  • GREEN governs the HEART chakra.

The fifth chakra is the *throat chakra*, vishuddha,
located at the base of the throat (thyroid) and corresponding
with psychic hearing (clairaudience).

  • Related organs: throat and lungs

The remaining two chakras are very important. They
relate mostly to elevated states of consciousness.

The frontal
chakra (or ‘third eye’) ajna, the sixth chakra, is located
between, and slightly above, the eyebrows. Ajna is the center of
psychic powers and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation
on ajna is said to cure nervousness.

  • INDIGO governs the BROW chakra or third eye, in the centre of the forehead.

The crown chakra sahasrara, located atop the
head, (pineal gland) is the seventh chakra. It is referred to as
the thousand-petaled lotus and corresponds with astral
projection and enlightenment.

  • VIOLET/PURPLE governs the CROWN chakra, at the top of the head.

Sisters of The North

Find us on ECRATER TOO

Blessings to you from our coven. If you want to contact our coven feel free to to do so anytime.


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