Hauted ring power Djinn Amulet ring wishes true genie magic one of a kind

Powerful deity ring real genie wishes granted

Haunted power Djinn Amulet ring wishes true genie magic rare deity offering
Buy this one of a kind real genie ring for only $650.00 plus shipping cost $4.50

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This ring has the power and enchantment of a Genie Djinn; Powerful deity of manifestation The spirit is alive and within this ancient ring.
His powers are bonded to this ring, the keeper commands the power of the being through this ring.
Intense magick and power surrounds this wonderful ring, as it is truly a one of a kind & handmade probably over 3000 years ago, it bears NO STAMPINGS or NO markings like 925 or NO writing but does have its unique design and stone on the base. When glanced upon by others it is obvious this ring possess a great amount of energy.
The Djinn is an ancient deity that has great power, abilities and capable of many manifestations. Mankind (both wielder’s of magick and non enchanters) have long to possess the powers of these mighty beings. This being is one of the most desired and wanted of all…his name is;

JABBAR the mighty and powerful one

He is truly highly desired for his abilities and wisdom. In his true form, JABBAR the mighty and powerful one, is a massive deity that stands over 9 1/2 feet tall…he wields his ancient saber with precision as if it was an extension of his own body. His opponents both mortal and immortal, fear his great physical strength and agility. This mighty Djinn is without a doubt one of the strongest beings ever known. Yet they know that his TRUE skills is his ability to manipulate magick.

You are considering; A very unique and what our coven describes as a highly intense energy ring. This ring is made of unknown properties from unknown lands and is of an unknown age. An absolutely one of a kind offering to behold! This ring is something to SEE; to truly understand and feel its energy.

The weight of this ring is heavy in that if weighs about 15 grams. This offering ring is made of all metal and bears a symbol on its base. This symbol is the sign of the deity and all deities are aware of this Sigil for they know that it is the sign of a great and powerful Djinn….. JABBAR the mighty and powerful one

JABBAR is neutral in nature, as he have been known to be benevolent and malevolent to both humans and non-mortals. With this said, we must warn that with all items of magick we suggest caution, but especially with this one as it has within it a being that could potentially harm or destroy a person or any other being that challenges its power. Our coven have experienced nothing but positive manifestations and energy from this deity however, all the same this is Jabbar and could be fatal to mortals that under-estimate his powers.

Although this offering have been used for many years to bring positive and greatness to the enchanter/keeper, it is neutral in nature and can be used to wield both white (positive) and black (negative) magic. As this is a ring with GRAY magic attributes and this should be remembered when considering it.

Haunted power Djinn Amulet ring wishes true genie magic rare deity offering

Within this offering is Jabbar the mighty and powerful one…he is a warrior Djinn Genie and have destroyed countless other ancient deities and even more mortals. Jabbar is the head of an army of Genies called the Winged serpents of Jabbar ثعابين مجنحة الجبار

The mighty and powerful one personally trained each of his 16 warriors to defend himself and his village from other Djinns that threatened. Jabbar was merciless in his training in fact he started out with 44 warriors selected from this realm and others, but ended with only 16. As many were severely injured and some were destroyed by this powerful beings energy. Jabbar demands only the best to follow and protect order.

As stated before Jabbar can be classified as a neutral nature deity, but is a bit biased towards mortals as he know that mortals command order over all beings great and small. Which leads us to HOW the great and powerful Jabbar became bond to this ring.

As stated earlier this ring bears the Sigil of JABBAR the mighty and powerful one. It is believed that because of Jabbar’s arrogance nature and over confidence, he was bond to this offering.

Jabbar was confronted many years ago by a man who knew the ways of magick but was not a mastered enchanter. The man offered to take this very ring for a cleaning that it truly needed done. Jabbar had this very ring on his possession for at least a thousand years as he wore it day and night and his own energy became linked to that of the ring’s energy. Jabbar allowed the man to clean it and without knowing, the man began to work magick to control the mighty Jabbar. Now the mighty and powerful one was so over confident he feared nothing and told the man that if he could cast a single spell using the magick from this ring then he will bond himself to it forever. As Jabbar felt that he did not have to worry because the magick of the ring is indeed alive however to manipulate it the person must know the name of the keeper. The man as well as everyone else in the village knew only the Sigil however no one really knew the deities name. As stated before the man was not a skilled enchanter but he did know how to make summon energy from objects. The man was relentless working day and night for over 3 days straight until he unlocked the energy from the ring and finally….success, the name charged into him with force and might. Jabbar!!! Jabbar!!! Jabbar!!! Jabbar, the mighty and powerful one!!! After the third time of speaking the name a rush of cool air was felt on his back as his hair raised as if he was going into a state of shock. Then before the man a serpent raised up to eye level and look into the man’s eyes wrapped himself around the man and caused him to lose consciousness. The man began to see visions of Jabbar, the mighty and powerful one with his warriors of 16 surrounded the man, bowed and the man was awakened by a clash of thunder so intense, it nearly tossed the man from his feet. Without a doubt Jabbar was angered by this “mortal man” who out smarted and out witted a mighty deity such as himself….Jabbar the mighty and powerful one.

The man used the powers of the offering mostly to bring wealth and riches to himself and for those around him. Magick was no longer a challenge as the more time he spent with the ring on his person, the more powerful his spell casting and magick became. He would travel through different realms of existence by calling upon the name of Jabbar, the mighty and powerful one. It is said the man used the ring to bring about immortality, as he aged 1 year for every normal mortal’s 50 years. He keep the ring for 300 years and before passing it to another he lifted the spell, as he could no longer take the torture of seeing his new wives, children and friends demise…leaving him behind. The man left the offering to a family member who kept it for many years unaware of its powers, but was enchanted with manifestations of riches for most of her life. The ring of Jabbar became lost for over 200 years before it made its way to the hands of Aban the wise and powerful Arab sorcerer. He immediately knew of this ring and began to use its powers for good and later passed it on to Isabella until her demise and now our coven have it here.

This ring offering is NOT limited to gender, as it can be used by any who has an interest, desire and will to become a great caster of magic. The deity is alive within this offering as he have called this vessel his home and must become obedient to the wishes of the master. With it the wielder can command powers beyond HIS/HER comprehension and so again we warn that great caution and discipline be executed when using this magnificent offering. The magic of this offering is intense and simple! As the keeper shall bond with it daily as the more this offering is worn or carried the more of the keepers energy shall bond with the ring’s energy. Meditation before performing spells is advised and the offering should be worn/carried during the meditation and spell casting. Novice practitioners of magic is advised to start off with learning the powers of meditation, visualization(seeing the outcome happening in the mind’s eye) and concentration. This powerful ring will help the keeper master the powers of magic. Please read and totally understand what you are considering. As having this ring is a great amount of responsibility for anyone, both experienced and inexperienced users of magick to partake, AS THIS AND ALL OUR OFFERS CAN BE DANGERS AND ARE NOT TOYS!!! We are instructed by Isabella our deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring. As mentioned earlier, this ring is of a neutral nature, has no said deity endowed upon it but does have the energy of the elements evoked within. With this offering having a neutral nature, we do not suggest wearing, carrying or having near your person when you are extremely angered or upset, as doing so is likely to release your negative energies(amplifying them) into forms that may be harmful to oneself and others around. An authentic elemental ring of intense energy and power. When used by Aban many years ago this ring helped the arab sorcerer find gold and rare metals worth millions of dollars today. As this offering endows wealth gaining ideas and skills within the keeper. Young witches who once struggled to perform successful magic found their hand to be filled with intense wonder and power. . Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much. These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who choose not to be aware of their existence.

Haunted power Djinn Amulet ring wishes true genie magic rare deity offering

This ancient ring shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.
You are certain (as many others including myself have) will immediately begin feeling the powers of this deity.
This great and powerful offering must be used with caution and consideration for oneself and others. This ring is highly active, as using their powers is something that is of course natural to them.

Now being offered from Sisters of The North is a size 10 3/4 U.S (24.28 Europe) and weighs about 15 grams, a very heavy ring as it is about 3 times heavier than modern rings. This ring is of a very unique design, and is handmade from very solid unknown metal(s).

This is a rare and very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in the hands of its intended owner/user that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact me if you require a special item or cannot find what you seek here. www.witchtalismans.com

Please read and totally understand what you are considering. As having this ring is a great amount of responsibility for anyone, both experienced and inexperienced users of magick to partake. We are instructed by Isabella our deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring.

As mentioned earlier, this ring is of a benevolent nature and will be obedient to the keeper and his/her temperament especially and more effective of those who are positive.

The powers of this ring brings about wishes for the keeper, surrounds him/her with wealth and enchants protection from beings. Metaphysical powers are increased upon the keeper, giving him/her increased mastery of magic.

After the bond between you and the deity have come to pass, call upon the name of deity and that which you want and he/she shall manifest results for you.

The deity as well as many other spirits can endow powerful actions for others, projecting million dollars ideas, cures to diseases, incredible luck as well as manifestations involving love and acquiring of such.

The deity’s powers shall begin (upon proclaiming yourself keeper) in making your life better by talking to you in your dreams mentally and astrally he/she shall follow you even more when the ring is carried by YOU. As this helps the deity spirit bond with you, he/she shall know you and your life better fear NOT his attempt to combine your vibrations.
An authentic spirit ring of intense energy and power. Used by Isabella of the Sisters of the North and granted to her by a dear friend Aban a powerful Arab sorcerer. Although most of the time spirits do not show their true physical form( in fear that a mortal may try to enslave them as some spells can do so)but rather the form of elements, animals,insects and other beings. Isabella was granted the true vision of spirits and other beings as well.

JABBAR the mighty and powerful one is the deity that resides within this beautiful one of a kind piece. This ring is a deity that bonds his power with power from the many others throughout history that have used it. The mighty sorcerer Aban, used this powerful ring to grant many wishes which helped the lives of thousands.

This very strange ring was given to Isabella (the High Priestess of our coven) and entrusted to her the powers of the elemental spirits . Isabella used the powers of this mighty being to bring about great wealth, money and riches to some of her family members, clients and many others who needed her help. This ring was also used by both, Aban and Isabella to charge spells, endow magick and awaken magick within beings.
Haunted power Djinn Amulet ring wishes true genie magic rare deity offering

JABBAR the mighty and powerful one

Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much. These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who choose not to be aware of their existence.

One of the most ancient of all beings is The Djinn Genie. These creatures are powerful and massive in knowledge and powers.They have knowledge of ages….millions of years past. They know and have knowledge that mortal man cannot comprehend, but still they are beneath mortal man this is something they do not want you to know. But still they possess incredible powers and abilities. For their command is beyond that of physical actions, their infinite minds filled with knowledge and have unwrapped what is known to man as “The mysteries of the mundane realm” and mastered the powers that are respected and feared by many other beings. With such great power and knowledge MANKIND should be fearful, but we are not. Is it just because mankind have forgotten about these creatures? That we are ignorant to their existence? Or is their more? Their is indeed MORE!!! For these creatures do know about us and respect us, no more than that, they fear US!!! For we are born with command and power over THEM!! They must obey and do the bidding of their master.

This auction is for a ring; A rare and highly active ring, an amulet talisman offering of many years

This listing is for the ring shown, as it is without a doubt an original. We believe the ring to be of great energy is intense even as I describe it I feel its energy waiting to be evoked by the right person.

This item shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.

This is a very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in the hands of its original owner, that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact me if you require a special item or cannot find what you seek here.

Yes as asked by many others our items are offered to THE WORLD , as we believe that giving everyone an opportunity to obtain these great items of power is just and fair, and shall better connect our lands just as the great Isabella would have wanted us to do.
Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here’s a Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience. You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings. Blessed be to you
Here’s how to make Gambler’s Luck Oil

Take this oil and anoint on any charm that is designed to summon luck in games of chance. You can use this on bingo cards by anointing each corner of the board before the games begin. Anoint some of your money that you are using for games of chance.
Take three parts of cinnamon, one part carnation petals and one part anise seed. Add about 2 tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. Place a small piece of High John the conqueror root in each bottle of oil made.

The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.


SHIPPING COST: Shipping to all of the UNITED STATES AND EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD IS ONLY SEE shipping calculator shipping worldwide!! ADDED NOTE; their are some places in the world that prohibit the use of magic, please advise us of your situation so we can ship the item to you safely and without disruption.

Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS: I will ship your item in few days of confirmed payment

Looking for a specific spell casted item? Contact me anytime and I will try to get what you seek from the coven Sisters Of The North witchtalismans.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me, I will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

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