Spells and magic ring Hindu deity haunted ring of Andhaka

spells of magic Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful powerful

real spells of magic Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful deity ancient being राक्षस शक्ति If this offering is calling to get it today as finding this was not a mistake and was probably meant to be. Only $730.00 plus $4.50 for WORLDWIDE shipping. Pay using your Credit or debit visa master card, paypal, western union or post office money order. This link will allow you to pay using paypal other means, please contact our coven witchtalismans@sbcglobal.net

Ring has the power enchantment of DEMON DEITY; His powers and abilities are bestowed upon this ring and he is obedient within this vessel. The Demon Entity is alive within this ancient ring.

Their powers are bonded to this ring, the keeper commands the power of these beings through this ring.

Intense magick and power surrounds this wonderful ring, as it is truly a one of a kind & handmade probably over 3000 years ago, it bears NO STAMPINGS or NO markings like 925 or NO writing but does have its unique design and stone on the base. When glanced upon by others it is obvious this ring possess a great amount of energy.

Powerful beings with great abilities and manifestations, are the demon race. They should NOT be trusted, as they are extremely jealous of mortal mankind! Nevertheless they are immensely powerful beings capable of manifesting results for anyone who takes possession of them. They hold no loyalty to mortal mankind but WILL do as they are instructed and grant the wishes and commands of the keeper.

You are considering; A very unique and what our coven describes as a highly intense energy ring. This ring is made of unknown properties from unknown lands and is of an unknown age. An absolutely one of a kind offering to behold! This ring is something to SEE; to truly understand and feel its energy. This ring has an ancient stone(this makes it and amulet too) this stone is believed to us to be a Citrine Stone. The weight of this ring is heavy in that if weighs about 15 grams. We believe the primary source of this offering’s power is that of the stone.

With all items of magick we suggest caution, this offering especially should be used with the understanding of that notion as within this offering is a true demon that reside within and could try to cross you, disobey or try to control YOU or those around you.

This offering was born from the blood of 25 other demons. These other demons were bond to this ring to hold and retain another much more powerful demon. The demon that lives in this ring is called; Andhaka he is the third son of Lord Shiva.

Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful deity ancient being

Casted with the spirit essence and power of an ancient deity demon. This offering has the powers of a demon of great power and enchantment. Know this!!!! This deity should be classified as one that could cause harm to the keeper, and it is advised that only an experienced spell caster or wielder of magick take possession of this unique, high energy offering.

He was rightfully trapped into this offering!

Because of his malevolent ways towards mankind, Andhaka the beast, the deity and his power were evoked and casted to this offering. It is the powers from the blood of 25 other lower level demons, that have the power to entrap this deity. Thousands of years ago Andhaka would enslaved over 3000 mortal mankind…he forced the men into slave labor extracting precious metals and minerals from the earth and in other realms. Andhaka made both mortal man and women do his bidding, acts that prohibit his demon being to commit. Acts that involved mortals killing in the name of a demon….in the name of, Andhaka. Andhaka made mortals brand and mark other mortals with his name. Andhaka rewarded his top servants with riches and wealth. This continued for many years until a strange man arrived in the village.

What Andhaka did not want mortals to

now…the truth in his name!!!

A strange old man entered the village and distraught by what he was both witnessing and have been told, decided to challenge Andhaka who in return warned the old man, this was not his matter and that he should make his way before he meet his demise. The old man was not to give up so easy and so he charged back at the demon, telling Andhaka that he would do whatever it took to free the people that was being controlled by this evil deity. Andhaka ordered four trained assassins to “do away with this troublemaker” the assassins were themselves slaves to the mighty power of the demon and they had no choice but to follow his command. Days passed and they returned back to the demon and reported they were unsuccessful in their attempt to end the old man’s life. All around stopped their actions and immediately brought their attention to the four highly skilled men, as everyone knew that death was surely seconds from their being. This brought great anger into the body of Andhaka and without a second’s thought the deity summoned two orbs of fire from both hands and launched them towards the failed warriors, instantly burning anything in their way, growing over 10 feet wide before it came near them. Everyone turned away in fear as they could imagine the four men would melt like a candle, but something different manifested and showed first on the face of the demon Andhaka. The deity smirky grin melted and formed a look of fear and astonishment. The four men stood strong and tall looking back at the deity, untouched, unharmed by his magick. Andhaka was beyond angry….he rushed over to the four men and grabbed one of their arms and noticed his mark was no more. The demon shouted to the men; “who is the old man? What do he know of magick? Answer me now mortals or meet your demise!!!” One of the men step forward and spoke with courage and conviction in his heart and voice; “He is a spell caster and he have showed us how to deflect your power, dark one! We are no longer afraid of you and we shall teach ALL how they too can release themselves from your chains!” Andhaka was now afraid as his powers were useless against the four. The four men walked away with their backs turned to the demon in total confidence that he could not harm them. Andhaka now knew the old man was a powerful enchanter of magick and that he he must put an end to this mortal who stands in the way of his domination of mortal mankind. As the demon knew that somehow the old man was knowledge of the power of knowing a deity’s name.

The old man and Andhaka battle in our realm and other realms as well

Days later Andhaka was now losing more and more slaves as many have been told and taught by the 4 warriors that they are NOT slaves of the demon, but rather the opposite Andhaka is our servant. Rumors of the powerful Andhaka losing control of his slaves reached the demon realm and ridicule got the best of the demon. His inability to deal with this from the other demons drove Andhaka to challenge the old man.

Andhaka does not have “tough skin”

One of the worst faults of demons (and many other deities) is their lack of “tough skin” or to know how to let things NOT take control of their cool or tack. This is the very fault that will get most deities in trouble. As mortal mankind is without a doubt MORE powerful in that we DO have the ability to “let things go” and we are cunning. The old man knew that Andhaka is like most demons and will let ridicule get the best of him. So Andhaka could no longer stand the idea of being disrespected by mortals and fellow demons. Andhaka sent a message and demanded to battle the old man the next day.
Andhaka duel the old man!

The demon’s over confidence and pride is what the old man was counting on, as he knew that demon’s pride is their weakness. The old man accepted the challenge and met with the demon in an area that Andhaka chose. The demon stood impatient and filled with angry, showing his true form standing over 10 feet tall emitting intense energy from his physical form. This manifestation of his true form brought chills and fear to onlookers during this 102 degree temperature day. Even the old man took nearly a minute to raise his own head to see the face of this incredible being, as he too was a bit intimidated. The true form of Andhaka was now showing and he produced a wicked smile on his face that shouted overconfidence. He look to the old man and said; “Foolish mortal, old man!!. You shall regret the day you chose to intervene in my affairs….”The old man looked to the demon and spoke; “It is not my will to battle you, please return to your demon realm and leave all mortals be”. The demon released a hardy laugh, clapped his hands and sent a shock wave of energy towards the man. The shock wave immediately turned into an immense sandstorm and surrounded the old man. The old man stood in the middle as the sand tore at his clothes he then shouted an incantation that redirected the storm towards the demon and increased its size until it surrounded the demon. The Andhaka was highly impressed and dismissed the storm. The demon Andhaka smiled at the old man and said; “You are indeed a wise and powerful mortal sorcerer however you are still a mortal and I…I am much more I am magick!” at that very moment the sky opened and a thunderous cloud appeared releasing strangely colored raindrops that soaked only a small area of land. That part of earth began to move as if it was water and within minutes 25 heads began to poke from the sand’s surface and now the old man was to face 25 more demons. The old man knew that time was of the essence as their was non to spare, he shouted to the demon Andhaka ;”let them battle me with the sword”. Agreed by the demon that that none shall use magick, the old man began to display his skills with the sword as he severed the heads from each of the beings one by one. Each head removed stained the metal of the sword as their bodies turned into vapor their blood remained in the sword. The old man then advanced forward towards Andhaka sword still tainted and absorbed with the other demon’s blood. The old man took from his pouch this very ring spoke an evocation spell while wiping the blood of the demons into the ring. The powerful Andhaka made an attempt to escape from the spell but found his magick was dismissed and he could do nothing but watch the old man summon the demons, as they were now under his control. The demons rushed around Andhaka surrounding him in a circle, while he still tried to fight them off his powers were then weak. The 25 demons looked to the old man as he spoke an ancient incantation that pulled at each of the demons as they all held on to Andhaka the old man spoke the demon’s name three times; “Andhaka!,Andhaka!, Andhaka my will is now your command…do my bidding as I am the keeper of this ring, you shall bring wealth and power, love and protection to the keeper… as my will so mote it be!” It was done and so now, the demon Andhaka and 25 other demons are enchanted upon this ring and shall be obedient to the master, and so this ring became; Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful deity ancient being The ring of the demon spirit Andhaka

We do not know the name of the old man that cast the demon into this ring, however we do know that he used it for many, many years. This offering found its way into the hands of Aban the arab sorcerer who then used it for spell casting and demon banishing. The mighty Aban later bestowed this ring upon Isabella who he knew would take care of it and use it for good. This offering remained with Isabella many years and she used it to bring abundance to others. We suggest that a skilled enchanter of magick use this offering and slowly build a connection with the demon within. Meditation before performing spells is advised and the offering should be worn/carried during the meditation and spell casting. Novice practitioners of magic is advised to start off with learning the powers of meditation, visualization(seeing the outcome happening in the mind’s eye) and concentration. This powerful ring will help the keeper master the powers of magic. Please read and totally understand what you are considering. As having this ring is a great amount of responsibility for anyone, both experienced and inexperienced users of magick to partake, AS THIS AND ALL OUR OFFERS CAN BE DANGERS AND ARE NOT TOYS!!! We are instructed by Isabella our deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring. As mentioned earlier, this ring is of a demon nature, and we suggest that you use EXTREME caution when evoking spells. With this offering having a demon spirit, we do not suggest wearing, carrying or having near your person when you are extremely angered or upset, as doing so is likely to release your negative energies(amplifying them) into forms that may be harmful to oneself and others around. An authentic demon ring of intense energy and power. Used by Isabella of the Sisters of the North who helped to train other members of the coven with it. This wonderful offering have brought great wealth, love and protection to its former keepers. Even without using spells (just by meditation, visualization and concentration) some of the keepers brought about power that gave them the ability to make thousands of dollars per month. As this offering endows wealth gaining ideas and skills within the keeper. Young witches who once struggled to perform successful magic found their hand to be filled with intense wonder and power. These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who choose not to be aware of their existence.

Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful deity ancient being
This ancient ring shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.
You are certain (as many others including myself have) will immediately begin feeling the powers of these spirits….these beings
This great and powerful offering must be used with caution and consideration for oneself and others. This ring is highly active, as using their powers is something that is of course natural to them.

Now being offered from Sisters of The North is a ring (what we believe) Citrine stone size 12 1/4 U.S (28.20 Europe) and weighs about 15 grams, a very heavy ring as it is about 3 times heavier than modern rings. This wonderful amulet ring talisman has a natural stone which appears to be an Citrine stone and is aged yet very heavy and sturdy. This ring is of a very unique design, and is handmade from very solid unknown metal(s).

This is a one of a kind and very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in the hands of its intended owner/user that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact me if you require a special item or cannot find what you seek here. www.witchtalismans.com

Please read and totally understand what you are considering. As having this ring is a great amount of responsibility for anyone, both experienced and inexperienced users of magick to partake. We are instructed by Isabella our deceased High Priestess to find a NEW KEEPER for this powerful ring.

As mentioned earlier, this ring is of a benevolent nature and will be obedient to the keeper and his/her temperament especially and more effective of those who are positive.

The powers of this ring brings about wishes for the keeper, surrounds him/her with wealth and enchants protection from beings. Metaphysical powers are increased upon the keeper, giving him/her increased mastery of magic.

After the bond between you and the spirits have come to pass, call upon the name of demon and that which you want and he/she shall manifest results for you.

The demon spirits as well as many other spirits can endow powerful actions for others, projecting million dollars ideas, cures to diseases, incredible luck as well as manifestations involving love and acquiring of such.

The deity powers shall begin (upon proclaiming yourself keeper) in making your life better by talking to you in your dreams mentally and astrally he/she shall follow you even more when the ring is carried by YOU. As this helps the elemental spirits bond with you, he/she shall know you and your life better fear NOT his attempt to combine your vibrations.
An authentic spirit ring of intense energy and power. Used by Isabella of the Sisters of the North and granted to her by a dear friend Aban a powerful Arab sorcerer. Although most of the time spirits do not show their true physical form( in fear that a mortal may try to enslave them as some spells can do so)but rather the form of elements, animals,insects and other beings. Isabella was granted the true vision of spirits and other beings as well.

Demon spirits all are the deities that resides within this beautiful one of a kind piece. This wonderful offering seems to have a different look every time our coven look upon it. This ring is not just a spirit ring it is ancient and seems to grow, with power as it bonds with the many others throughout history that have used it. The mighty sorcerer Aban, used this powerful ring to grant many wishes which helped the lives of thousands.

This very strange ring was given to Isabella (the High Priestess of our coven) and entrusted to her the powers of the elemental spirits . Isabella used the powers of this mighty being to bring about great wealth, money and riches to some of her family members, clients and many others who needed her help. This ring was also used by both, Aban and Isabella to charge spells, endow magick and awaken magick within beings.

Haunted power Demon Amulet ring grants wealth powerful deity ancient being

Our realm is full of deities known to mankind and others not as much. These beings are around us everyday interacting with us even when we do not know they are there. Many are here to help us but it is mankind who choose not to be aware of their existence.

This is one of the most ancient of all beings this is a demon SPIRITS. These creatures are powerful and massive in knowledge and powers.They have knowledge of ages….millions of years past. They know and have knowledge that mortal man cannot comprehend, but still they are beneath mortal man this is something they do not want you to know. But still they possess incredible powers and abilities. For their command is beyond that of physical actions, their infinite minds filled with knowledge and have unwrapped what is known to man as “The mysteries of the mundane realm” and mastered the powers that are respected and feared by many other beings. With such great power and knowledge MANKIND should be fearful, but we are not. Is it just because mankind have forgotten about these creatures? That we are ignorant to their existence? Or is their more? Their is indeed MORE!!! For these creatures do know about us and respect us, no more than that, they fear US!!! For we are born with command and power over THEM!! They must obey and do the bidding of their master.

This auction is for a ring; A rare and highly active ring, an amulet talisman offering of many years

This listing is for the ring shown, as it is without a doubt an original. We believe the ring to be of great energy is intense even as I describe it I feel its energy waiting to be evoked by the right person.

This item shall not be offered to anyone who’s aim is to use it for dark or black magick. Our coven have protected it and used it for good for many years and aim to offer it to a true keeper of the light.

This is a very powerful ring and we advise that once this ring is in the hands of its original owner, that no one else is allowed to keep it or use it for at least 7 days and 7 nights. During this period the ring is bonding with the wearer and its vibrations and that of the wearer shall entwine as one, establishing a “link for life”. This ring would be great for anyone, and even given as a gift. Contact me if you require a special item or cannot find what you seek here.

Yes as asked by many others our items are offered to THE WORLD , as we believe that giving everyone an opportunity to obtain these great items of power is just and fair, and shall better connect our lands just as the great Isabella would have wanted us to do.
Merry meet to you and thanks for coming to our coven today. Here’s a Spell that you can perform TODAY use magick with caution and patience. You are encouraged to see our other listings as well for more FREE WITCHCRAFT SPELLS and wonderful offerings. Blessed be to you

Gambler’s luck oil

Use this anointment on charms designed to bring luck in games of chance and gambling. Anoint each corner of your lottery ticket BEFORE playing your game and paying for the ticket.

Mix together three parts cinnamon, one part carnation petals and one part anise seed. Add two tablespoons of this mixture to two ounces of oil. Place a small piece of High John the Conqueror root in each bottle of oil made.

The law requires me to inform that this all my items are for entertainment purposes only and I must state I am not responsible for any activity that may or may not occur should you Buy this and all of our items. Any extra activity or lack of activity cannot be guaranteed this is the responsibility of the buyer only.

PAYMENT OPTIONS: Prefer PAYPAL, visa or master card, western union, and post office money orders

SHIPPING COST: Shipping to all of the UNITED STATES AND EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD IS ONLY SEE shipping calculator shipping worldwide!! ADDED NOTE; their are some places in the world that prohibit the use of magic, please advise us of your situation so we can ship the item to you safely and without disruption.

Thank you and happy bidding!

SHIPPING TERMS: I will ship your item in few days of confirmed payment

Looking for a specific spell casted item? Contact me anytime and I will try to get what you seek from the coven Sisters Of The North witchtalismans.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me, I will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible.


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